Becca Brackett's Quilt Page

SECTIONS:                                              Date Saved...  Nov 15, 2024
Date Code
Quilts completed List
Quilts in Various stages of completion (projects)
Cloth inventory by storage location
 F series (mostly plastic boxes)           Image of cloth in plastic boxes 2009
 Other containers                          Becca's home page
 Bag Storage
 Drawers and shelves etc
Missing / lost / misplaced
List of containers
Knitting needles
Plastic quilting templates
List of projects raw

///////////// YEAR CODE:      z  y  x  w  v  u  t  s  r  q ///////////////
///////////// YEAR (2000+) : 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ///////////////

ABBREVIATION KEY   for Quilts completed List
Column 1 "date" is completion date for Done quilts otherwise start or acquired date approx
Column 3 state is state of completion
TOPO=top only finished
Column 5 "where" some abbrev are from cloth section above (search for abbrev in this file)
 some may be listed with cloth  see w6f_
 SENT indicates given away etc with details in description
 CDET used in state and where means see details in description
Used various places: QFO=quilting for others- a project of MN Quilters (MNQ)
UNK_=started by unknown quilter,

Completed quilts 
date   quilt-name           state w x l  where  description/notes/links to images
2024   Red rust and tan     DONE  57x67  PLZ4   Double 4 patch 24 blocks  No Pix
2024   Eagle Wild Creatures DONE  baby   SENT   2 quilts for Chandra's twins  orcas, bear, eagle, wolf and owl  Pix
2024   Owl Wild Creatures   DONE  baby   SENT   2 quilts for Chandra's twins  orcas, bear, eagle, wolf and owl  Pix
2024   Color my heart       DONE  49x61  KING   leftovers from "color rain" and appliqued hearts  Pix
                            Color my heart      label  Pix
2024   Water lily           TOPO  Baby   sent   QFO from bigger Five and Dime  Pix
2024   Handkerchief (hankie)DONE  24x33  BBOX   Phyllis Messenger's childhood hankies, used silk backing  Pix
                            Handkerchief (hankie) label  Pix
2024   Charley Harper BQ5   DONE  52x72  SENT   fabric from Indianapolis Crimson Tate given to Paul Patton in honor of his Bearhead efforts  Pix
2023   Zoo animal baby      DONE  baby   1221   minky backing & blanket binding  Pix
2023   Broad strokes        TOPO  34x60  SENT   MNQ QFO jaguar op art  No Pix
2023   Frog premie quilt    DONE  tiny   SENT   (Chandra)  Pix
2023   Fox premie quilt     DONE  tiny   SENT   (Chandra)  Pix
2023   Star Dancer          TOPO  Twin   1221   Flying geese started by Wanda McCaa  Pix
2023   Blue green hexagons- TOPO  Baby   SENT   before MNQ QFO Becca matched pattern  Pix
                            Blue green hexagons finished   Pix
2023   Color Rain           Done  twin?  1221   pattern: 4 patches from shed, in white bag with green leaf (Coop Class)  Pix
2023   Petal Star           Done  60x60? SENT   home quilted in 4 sections, Kim Brackett pattern book to Ukraine family  Pix
2022   Disappearing 9 patch TOPO  twin   Sent   MNQ QFO "Patriotic"  Pix
2022   Black Spokes &scraps TOPO  72x84  SENT    Pix
2022   Xmas stockings (10)  Done         SENT    Pix
2022   Cohousing            Wall  22x27  SENT  for Madison conference auction  Pix
2022   Double X QFO         TOPO ~44x68  SENT  Gold & Brown  Pix
2022   Vivian Orchid        Done  42x42  SENT   Pix
                            Vivian Orchid      back  Pix
2022   Rickrack 9           Done  85x90  1221   Pix
2022   America the BeautifulDone  King   SENT  Pattern: treasures of time for Andrew Brackett  Pix
2022   Patriotic QFO        TOPO ~40x60  SENT   Pix
2022   Tulip block large    Done  18x18  SENT  1 12" TULIP MNQ sm quilt auction  Pix
2022   Tulip block 9 patch  Done  24x24  SENT  9 6"  TULIP MNQ sm quilt auction  Pix
2022   Little Star #2       Done  40x40  SENT  FUS Auction was:called Lone Star Baby #2 Top created at workshop by Pat Germaine   Pix
2022   Retreat to the Woods Done  43x54  SENT  FUS Auction T-shirts  Pix
2022   Japan. paralellogram TOPO ~40x30  SENT  MNQ QFO  quilted by others  Pix
2022   Dark to light        TOPO  64x74  SENT   Pix
2021   Flower bricks        TOPO   baby  SENT  MNQ QFO  from Dark to Light x49_ got it back after quilting ti bind  Pix
2021   Flower boxes         TOPO   baby  SENT  MNQ QFO  from Dark to Light  Pix
2021   Pink and lace        TOPO   baby  SENT  MNQ QFO                      Pix
2021   Jean Buckley Auction Done  40x76  SENT  has front and end hanging panels below piping edge  Pix
                            Jean Buckley       second view (design)   Pix
2021   My Jean Jacket       Done  65x88  PLZ1   Pix
2021   Nat's shirt quilt 1  Done  48x48  SENT  green chinese patch near middle  Pix
2021   Nat's shirt quilt 2  Done  48x48  SENT  big red pocket for Margaret.  4 quilts made for 4 sisters, 3 delivered 9//21 (MMB mailed)  No Pix
2021   Nat's shirt quilt 3  Done  48x48  SENT  tan button down pocket  No Pix
2021   Nat's shirt quilt 4  Done  48x48  SENT  orange patch with dragon flies in corner  No Pix
2021   Blurred lines        Done  62x73  SENT  Pink and Purple. given to Carol Watson   Pix
2021   Red Dinosaur for kid Done  40x40  SENT  For Oliver  No Pix
2021   London Road          Done  27x27  1221   Pix
2021   Goose Tracks         Done  19x29  SENT  (to MNQ auction)  Pix
2021   Ore Boat / Bridge    Done  22x27  KING   Pix
2021   Pink/Grn 4 patch     Done  30x30  CPGB  mostly 4 patch  Pix
2020   Rcarr western        Done  49x56  SENT  106"x42" purple and brown stripe fabric for back(?)  Pix
2020   Flower power         Done  wall   SSB   MNQ 2020 challenge  Pix
2020   Lone Star baby #1    Done  41x41  SENT  * Quilted Sept 2020 by Millie P's given to son of Nadina (Vivian's friend)  No Pix
2020   Sailor's Delight     Done  39x44  KING  started about 2015, quilt as you go mixed colors  Pix
                            Sailor's Delight   back  Pix
2020   Blue strippy         Done  70x87  PLZ3  Quilted Oct 2020 at Millie P's    Pix
2020   Oregon Trail #2      Done  44x44  KING  leftovers from Chandra Quilted Oct,2020 MilieP's  Pix
2019   QFO green            TOPO  wall   SENT  QFO= quilting for others, half finished, ecb finnished  Pix
2019   QFO green sampler    TOPO ~45x45  SENT   Pix
2019?  Moon checkerboard    Done  baby   SENT  MNQ donation  Pix
2019   Challenge Vest       Done  vest   1221  2019 MNQ show Matador vest MQ challend  Pix
                            Challenge Vest     back  Pix
2019   Flag Quilt           Done  wall   1221  2019 MNQ show  Pix
2018?  Pastel eyelet fabric Done  baby   SENT  donated  Pix
2018?  Fake embroidery      TOPO ~45x45  SENT   donated child blue quilt    Pix
2019   Syncopated Rhythm    Done  full   SENT  2019 MNQ show to Nevin  Pix
2018?  Hawaiian Whine       Done  full   KING   Pix
2018   Fish nine patch      Done  baby   SENT  MNQ QFO  blue and red scraps  Pix
2018   Lassegaard           Done  full   SENT  FUS auction    Pix
2018   Green baskets        Done  full   1221  2018 MNQ show aka Baskets & stepping Stones $$  Pix
2018   Ruby's Rose          Done  wall   1221  2018 MNQ show Challenge  Pix
2018   Red and white X      Done  twin   SENT  to project 70,273 UNK_ ("mentally defective people" killed by Nazi's) most blocks from others $$  Pix
2017   Mystery              Done  full   SENT  2017 MNQ show given to Binney Brackett  Pix
2016   Kaleidoscope         Done  wall   BOLIV  MQ non judged  Pix
2016   Kaleidoback          Done  wall   BOLIV  MQ non judged   Pix
2016   Beach                Done  wall   SENT  gift to Chris Miller on ECB retirement  Pix
2016   MN State eco map     Done  wall   1221  2016 MNQ show Challenge eco folding map $$  Pix
2016?  Halloween hanging    Done  wall   CRPT  No Pix
2016?  Xmas advent hanging  Done  27x44  1221  has secret pockets  No Pix
2016   Egyptian             Done ~50x50  SENT  For Richard Olson nap quilt  Pix
2015   Blue nine patch      Done ~45x65  SENT  2015 MNQ show scrap challenge   based on historic photo for Ginny Beyer the scrap look donated to MQ  Pix
2015   Haruki-san           Done  full   BBox  2015 MNQ show interlocking hexagons  Pix
2015   Chandra Wedding      Done  full   SENT  pattern Oregon Trail "#1"  Pix
2013?  log cabin            Done  baby   ?     6 blocks  Pix
2013?  placemats /rafts     Done  pmat   SENT   Pix
2013?  kites                Done  baby   SENT  MNQ  Pix
2012   Up North             Done  full   SENT  Missing Children raffle; EJB won it   Pix
2011   Tsunami Quilt        Done  full   SENT  to survivors for boys in Japan  Pix
2011   Ohio star pastel     Done  baby   SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2011?  Sunflower Moonflower Done  wall   SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2011   Ohio Star - flannel  Done ~50x50  SENT  Red and blue to Anne Brackett  Pix
2011   Bearpaw              Done  twin   1221  Started in 1970s in balcony at FUS  Pix
2011   Ozark Beauty         Done         SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2011   Not Amish bars       Done         SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2011   Maple Leaf           Done         SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2011   MCM Pink             Done         SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2011   Fall puzzler         Done         SENT  MCM auction  Pix
2010?  Green leaves         Done  wall   BBox  from Ruth McDowell book  Pix
2010   Quarry               Done  wall   1221  2010 MNQ show Challenge honorable mention ribbon  Pix
2010   Haiti Relief         Done  twin   SENT  donated  Pix
2010   Chalice              Done  wall   SENT  to FUS for podium  Pix
2009   T-shirt              Done  full   1221  quilt as you go PAF (peru) Kasota prairie, green lattice   Pix
2009   Coffee bag           Done  wall   SENT   Pix
2009?  Bear paw 4           Done  Wall   SENT  FUS silent auction  Pix
2007   Dina's baby          Done  baby   SENT   Pix
2007   Bunkhouse quilt      Done  wall   SENT  to MCM Missing Children auction. Through the bunkhouse window  Pix
2005   Pink quilt           Done  baby   SENT  to Dr Reddy woman doctor from India, West clinic  Pix
2001?  red/beige            Done  baby   SENT  Service Auction  Pix
2001?  House                Done  baby   SENT  Service Auction  Pix
2000?  Karen Medin goodbye  Done  wall   SENT   No Pix
2000   Nine patch           Done  full   SENT  donated to charity,  started at Retreat to the Woods 2000 Wanda McCaa and_Kathryn Taylor quilting a Quilt  Pix
2000?  Pink and purple      Done  vest   1221  quilted   Pix
2000?  Pink for Tallman     Done  baby   SENT   Pix
2000?  green and gold       Done  vest   1221  quilted   Pix
1999   red/green banner     Done  wall   SENT  Wall hanging for FUS Service Auction 1999   Pix
1999   Kids Hand prints     TOPO  twin   SENT  for Beth Brownfield on retirement from FUS RE  No Pix
19xx?  Road to Calif        Done  twin   1221  blue and white  Pix
19xx   Trip around the worldDone  quen   1221  yellow  Pix
1998   Small  quilt         Done  wall   SENT  to MNQ    Pix
1988   Dick Hanson AIDS     Done  wall   SENT  to AIDS quilt  Pix
1988   Pine tree quilt      Done  baby   SENT  for Sarah Harder  Pix
1988   Quinnie Diamonds     Done  full   BBox  based on Sue Stein workshop for QHO 50th  No Pix
1987   Forty Winks          Done  twin   BBox  for Fred's 40th birthday  Pix
                            Forty Winks        back  Pix
1986   Placemats for pam    Done  pmat   1221   Pix
1985?  Dbl wedding ring     Done  50x50? SENT  auction quilt for Kortuem/Nord  Pix
1984   Kites over Delhi     Done  full   SENT  to Chandra Chandra Brackett with her Roman Madras Stripe Quilt April 1983  Pix
                                               1987  Pix
                                               Teenage Chandra with same quilt   Pix
1981   Green yellow Baby    Done  baby   SENT  to Debbie Schreiber(sp? FLA?)   with Seminole piecing  Pix
1980?  Octopus's garden     Done  full   SENT  for Rebecca Brackett  No Pix
1980   Leif Kaleidescope    Done  twin   gone  Made for Leif Olson Watson loved to death  No Pix
1981   FLA                  Done  full   SENT  FLA raffle blocks submitted by organizations, Becca completed it  Pix
1981   FLA banner           Done  30x28  DR4   "fla" various colored block edge with haging flap
1979?  Broken Nine Patch    Done  full   SENT  for Margaret Bailey Becca Brackett and quilt Scrapaholic for Margaret 1991  Pix
   -- Quilts not made by Becca --
1974   West Virgina purple  Done  full   CDET  v5_ upstairs? blanket box mk_ by pt w/ rheumatoid arthritis baskets / purple background  Pix
18xx   Johnson antique      Done  full   1221  from Debbie mk_ in Eastport Maine  Pix
2015?  HealthPartners square                    Becca made one square for project to commemorate merger  Pix

Quilts in Various stages of completion (projects) *** see also _sc List of projects raw 

Column 1 date code
Column 2 "stage" = Stage of completion, old: TBQ=ready to be quilted/top done, blk=collection of blocks, CDet (below)
Column 3 description
   --- Stages of completion --- _SG
  Stage of a project code legend SG#    decimal for items that are at a mixed stage ***
 _SG0 Stage 0 - projects that go on and repeat
 _SG1 Stage 1 - fabric and pattern picked
 _SG2 Stage 2 - cutting pieces done
 _SG3 Stage 3 - sewing into blocks done  was Blk
 _SG4 Stage 4 - Top assembled  was TBQ
 _SG5 Stage 5 - quilted
 _SG6 stage 6 - binding and label completed

F23_  +w3 SG0   heart strings leftovers pot holder project (some heat resistant)
MQ18_ +wc SG0   backpack project mens toiletry bag (dobie bag)
XB09_ +w3 SG0   Xmas blocks
F06_  +xc SG1   FUS logo youth pillows 5 logos
F10_  +w2 SG1   garden gate project with embroidery
F15_  +y7 SG1   Memory sampler quilt Scraps from previous quilts:
F19_  +sb SG1   Bold over Batiks prayer rugs
F32_  +xc SG1   various fabric for baby / bear alphabet quilt
AMZ_  +w3 SG1   striped fabric pattern "All Squared Up"
BKUP_ +w7 SG1   alphabet baby quilt project
DR1_  +w7 SG1   pink liberty fabric for tunic
DR1_  +w7 SG1   flying geese cut pieces for 2x4 inch size
DR1_  +w7 SG1   African cloth and batik trangles project
DR2_  +W3 SG1   boxed leaf seminole project
MQ16_ +y7 SG1   brown & orange fabric for petroglyph project some from ejb
ODD_  +wa SG1   placemat project
XB02_ +W7 SG1   Applique flowers test from FUS banner project
Y01_  +xa SG1   bird panel with blue flowers for Deb quilt
DR3_  +xb SG1.5  Duck leftovers project blue and green
DR1_  +y4 SG2   QFO lily pads 5 & dime
DR1_  +y9 SG2   red and plaid 9 patch project
DR1_  +w7 SG2   purple and white tetris project  Pix
DR4_  +v7 SG2   vintage log cabin blocks with strips for more
DR4_  +t8 SG2   pink and green star quilt (muted binney colors) Angle Antics
XB03_ +sb SG2   tropical fish rectangles
F10_  +w2 SG2.5 yellow scrap-blocks from mystery quilt in striped mesh bag
HEW_  +w3 SG2.5 ohio  star blocks and plan  see also OHIO_
MQ16_ +y7 SG2.5 Color block puffy, buttons
SBOX_ +x7 SG2.5 gray and gold wonky squares
SBOX_ +x7 SG2.5 leftovers from "rickrack 9"
XB02_ +y6 SG2.5 scrappy 10.5" blocks
XB03_ +ua SG2.5 Los Doce - 6 hand pieced LeMoyns star blocks
F21_  +t7 SG2.8 coral gardens pattern and police badge blue and gold with pattern
DR3_  +W3 SG2.9 Human Rights quilt blocks FUS Human rights to mnq 7/23/24  Pix
TOPF_ +vb SG2.9 Compass quilt farmers star project/mariners compass. needs embroidery  Pix PIX of one block only, need new pix
F29_  +w3 SG3   cross stitch quilt top embroidery
F32_  +xc SG3   star QFO project
DR3_  +w8 SG3   14 inch fan block  project  (6) blocks with fans appliqued Dresden
PZC_  +w3 SG3   20 blocks for color quilt   Pix
PZC_  +w3 SG3   11 blocks "random stripe"
SBOX_ +x7 SG3   tiny half square triangle blocks - remainder project
XB02_ +W7 SG3   10 1/2 inch blocks from basket quilt +scraps of same
XB02_ +ya SG3   pieced stripes and elephant panel, needs border, baby size
F32_  +xc SG3.5 Bargello hand dyed panels from Peggy
F16_  +x8 SG3.9 paper-pieced Storm at Sea needs border 30 x 30
AB6_  +y7 SG4   Where's Nemo quilt  SG4   38x38    aka Many more fish in the sea Orig fabric left over from RPB octopus quilt
DR3_  +y4 SG4   color block 9 patch + color backing 45"x45"
DR3_  +x7 SG4   60x84 Rafts on Gees Bend (TOPO 2018)
PINK_ +y2 SG4   project 46x46 topo:  colored 15" blocks: 5 purple 1 brown 1 blue 8 green 2 pink 3 red
PLZ9_ +xa SG4   Star Dancer was: Flying geese 2x4 blocks and evening star blocks project (started by wanda) 64x76 and backing
SBOX_ +x7 SG4   precut hearts 49x61 "color my heart" leftovers from "color rain"
XB07_ +xc SG4   strawberry quilt center:w3_ border:xc_ 60" x 75"
XB08_ +x1 SG4   box of chocolate project wb_/SG3  Pix
ACTV_ +wa SG5   bright & black 4-patch project with orange pink sashing plasic zip case    Pix
PLZ4_ +y4   red rust and tan double 4 patch 24 blocks 57 x 67 and backing
BS08_ ?y7 SG?   Black and orange quilt in progress (2009?)

Cloth inventory (and some quilts) by container / storage location  

///////////// YEAR CODE:      z  y  x  w  v  u  t  s  r  q ///////////////          ***  Note: year code preceded by + and followed by month code (a-9,b,c) is used in Cloth inventory
///////////// YEAR (2000+) : 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ///////////////

Note that things get added and removed from boxes more often than this list gets updated...
Some entries have Fred's 2 character date code -- year and month "YM"
Sections (3 asteris3ks 3c* are major sections)
Note that sections also have entry tags but have long row of slashes so they show up in long list of entries
Entries (2 underscores) are mostly containers (boxes etc) which in turn have items - see +YM / -YM " below
Entries generally have in all caps unique "tag" that usually appears on physical item
"+YM" in col 1 means in this box as of that date  
"-YM" means not in this box as of that date       

"LG" means see also box F1 with large pieces
"g-asi" taken to asi 8/6/16
bk_ = suitable for backing

 F series (mostly plastic boxes ) *** __  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Plastic boxes numbered "F1" etc. Grouped by box size  started 2/21/09

Most 15 Qt "15Q" (16 x 11") a few 12Q F1-F30 except F1,19,20 (large)
22,24 (bags) 27,29 (Cardboard boxes) 28 (small plastic box)
F2-F12 generally organized by color

F01__     ds_ Clothing  30Q Large 6" high box kept in bedroom (? 17" x 23")
+ra Summer clothes  or winter clothes

F02__     ds_ Black to gray   sh_

F03__     ds_ White and Beige  sh_
+v7 unbleched muslin 101"x43" long, 10"x66" long

F04__     ds_ Browns  sh_
+xa lt blue background stripe with yellow roses and brown stripes

F05__     ds_ Red and pink  sh_
+v5 red chicken fabric

F06__     ds_ Red Violet  sh_
+xc SG1   FUS logo youth pillows 5 logos

F07__     ds_ Purple  sh_
+ra pink and orange dots
+ua quilt labels
+ua Guat. cloth purple stripe

F08__     ds_ True Blue  sh_
+wa many pieces of blue fabric
+wa shibori indego dyed fabric

F09__     ds_ Greenish blue  sh_

F10__     ds_ Yellow  sh_
+w2 SG1   garden gate project with embroidery
+w2 SG2.5 yellow scrap-blocks from mystery quilt in striped mesh bag
+w2 African print with dark triangles on mustard
+w2 home dyed  yellow pant scraps
+w2 marble print yellow ornge and green
+w2 fake african pring with circles and trinagles

F11__     ds_ True Green / some brown  sh_

F12__     ds_ Orange  sh_
     large piece of yellow blender

F13__     ds_ Blue Scraps (only +s9 )  sh_
+w3 2" 2 bags 4 & 5 patch
+u3 blue scraps
-s9 Light weight cotton purple
-s9 Xmas plaid red, green gold
-s9 Linen like pale tan abt 1 yd
-?? Cloth and Linen apron dress from Leif's wedding
-?? light blue synthetic stars velveteen,
-?? Guatemalan Purple stripe

F14__     ds_ Yellow-green-olive green-khaki  sh_
+w2 JoAnn fabrics solid fat quarters
+sb five islands curtain fabric
+t5 yellow green fern

F15__     ds_ Project box and random orphan blocks  sh_
+ya SG1   Memory sampler quilt Scraps from previous quilts:
    Buckley,aob America,fish in the sea,blue and white checker board, up north,
    Ivy twin baby,tulip, orange and brown double 4-patch,flag,
    peacock/Chandra wedding,quarry,rlo eguptian,loon Charlie Harper
+y7 6.5" patches yellow and green - home dyed cut from cotton pants
+y7 Farmer Star blue sunburst with red center block
+y7 Green leaf  block Ruth McDowell
+y7 blue and black stripe used in quarry quilt
+y7 log cabin blocks, 2 match for pillow, 4 in straight furrows, 2 unmatched
+y7 60 degree strip pieced triangles
+y7 mug rugs (coaster) 1/4 square triangle
+y7 random assorted blocks incl pink and purple blocks-10-16"
+y7 rail fence 4" block 13"x14"
+y7 partial and orphan blocks
+y7 2 black and brown quarter squares
+y7 blue scraps for small color blocks
+y7 crumbs and orphan blocks incl snail's trail blocks

F16__     ds_ Project box  sh_
+x8 japanese quilt scraps from hexagon quilt
+x8 spoon flower bark print and swatches
+x8 black with white window pane (plaid) 5.33 yds (44" wide)
+x8 quilt on lines without erasing test
+x8 SG3.9 paper-pieced Storm at Sea needs border 30 x 30
+x8 feed sack pattern with blue lattice and red and green "fan blades"
+x8 Indian women. petroglyps small 6"
+x8 several panels with Eagles, in forest...
+x8 native fish on white background, 8" squares leftover from up north quilt
+x8 home spun plaid fabrics

F17__     ds_ Bluish green  sh_

F18__     ds_ Scraps sorted by color / pot holders  sh_
+w2 wide strips suitable for heart string corners
+v5 blue-green
+v5 pink
+v5 1.5" strips blue and yellow checkerboard
+v5 red rose in forest green background

F19__     ds_ Cloth for projects  44Q Large 9" high box (17" x 23")
+sb small brown Bolivian bag
+sb interfacing dark and light
+sb assorted flannel scraps
+sb tropical fish on white
+sb SG1   Bold over Batiks prayer rugs
+sb largely completed silk blouse
+sb 2017 quilt show bag
+sc assorted non cotton scraps - some from NPB
+sc big blue flannel sheet
-sb upholstery cloth blue and green cirlces
-q8 Batik yellow and Green from FUS childrens quilt
-o8 scraps for crazy quilt  g-asi
-08 some stiff quilt padding
-sb batik windows panels
-sc Red Bolivian bag

F20__     ds_ Cloth and Quilt Projects  60Q Large 12" high box ,  (17" x 23")
+y7 bag of jersey fabric for baby clothes
+y7 fleece scraps
+y7 knit fabric scraps - peach pit jersy
+x7 Linen bright green 2.5 yd
+x7 black and white, yellow tulle
+y7 pink linen scraps
+y7 part of white sheet
+y7 white cotton duck - abt 1 yd
+y7 blue green cordoroy scraps - 1 yd
+y7 Small quilt from Vivian green squares
+y7 pink Viking shirt (to be donated)
+y7 pink linen apron
+y7 MN , IA state outlines

F21__     ds_ Embroidery floss / misc  sh_
+t7 for aob face wall hanging brown and beige
+t7 SG2.8 coral gardens pattern and police badge blue and gold with pattern
+w6 embroidery floss/thread (including in box)

F22__     d?  (rect. see-thru zipper bag 13"x14"x6"

F23__     ds_ Triangles / Project box,  sh_

+v5 Triangles scrap all sizes
+v5 bundle of short scraps
+v5 heart strings scraps
+w3 SG0   heart strings leftovers pot holder project (some heat resistant)

F24__     d?  Bag (rect. see thru zipper bag 12"x12"x7" ) (not located 6/15/16)

F25__     ds_ Weaving stuff  sh_
+t5 carpet warp: 800 Yds Blue, 800 yds beige,
+t5 ( cotton thread / cord )
+t5 backstrap weaving material
+t5 backstrap weaving loom
+ua Guatemala black double-ikat
+ua raffia

F26__     ds_ Novelty prints  sh_
+y4 Elvis Presley army fabric
+y4 cat and bird print about 1 yd
+wc flour sacking
+w7 macaw panels - to novelty
+w7 winter scene children skating
+s6 school collage
+s6 sheet music
+s6 musical instruments
+s6 red w/ sw cactus
+s6 red travel words
+s6 loon pillow panel
+t8 apples in squares, blue bkgd
+s6 horses in snow
+s6 19th century travel, compass binoculars
+s6 kids cloth:  African animals panel heavy cotton and scrap light on green
+s6 national monuments
+s6 egyptian images
+ua navajo stripe
+ua Western fabrics: Boots, wagon wheels, hoofprints, cowboy on horse scraps, horse fabrics
+ua mickey mouse
+ua Ducks on blue water
+ua bicycles
+ua telephones
+ua Minnesota fabric
+xa peacock fabric
-ua purple and orange tropical fish
-ua large panel white yellow flower-  used in 2020 challenge quilt
-ua red dinosaurs - used in baby quilt

F27__     ds_ Non quilting fabric / flannel / misc   (banker box) (under cutting table x18 )
+y7 Minky fabric
+y7 1 yard white flannel
+y6 kit from SR Harris
+y6 QFO star blocks - brown
+y6 see thru purple curtain
+wa Morris fabric old fashioned prints. rust,Blue with gold, geys, crewel
+w2 white with vining flowers and leaves, decorator fabric, 100% cotton, 50" wide 2.5 yd
+w1 old shorts for pattern
+w1 Linen gray and white striped (for shorts)
+u6 flannel multiple colors
+u6 crewel pattern some on white, some gold
+u6 orange and green print cotton lawn
-u6 ribbing fabric red black and aqua
+u6 spoonflower sample box various fabrics
+u6 green stripe twill
+ua African cloth from Durham (some as iron on triangles )
+ua beige stripe cotton - 1 yard
+ua orange to  brown ombre stripe
+va batting for mug rugs - 4" squares

F28__     ds_ Theme fabric  shoe box size plastic q6e_ moved to q room wb4_
+wc MN theme
+wc eco quilt scraps
+wc bicycle theme fabric
+xa loon fabric - pillow panels

F29__     ds_ Embroidery quit / misc  cardboard box
+w3 Orange Dec fabric scrap from insulated windows
+w3 SG3   cross stitch quilt top embroidery
+w3 hopsacking huipil         straw colored
+w3 hopsacking - 1.5 yards    straw colored

F30__     ds_ Misc scraps, denim  sh_
+w2 Denim and camo scraps
+w2 red/maroon/purple fake denim cotton
+w3 pastel picque
+x1 pastel scraps

F31__     see PLZ1

F32__     Alphabet quilt  Sterilite ultra latch 28"x12" on black metal shelves
+xc extra patches from bright and black quilt
+xc SG1   various fabric for baby / bear alphabet quilt
+xc SG3.5 Bargello hand dyed panels from Peggy
+xc rainbow scraps from rainbow quilt
+xc 10x10 white patches from rainbow quilt
+xc sister slogan fabric
+xc SG3   star QFO project

F33__     ds_ Unwashed to avoid raveling etc Sterilite ultra latch 28"x12" on black metal shelves
+xc ledger pattern fabric
+xc various greens
+xc various fat quarters green to cream
+xc little exercize guys pattern
+xc owls
+xc japanese: flowers - 1 purple 1 black and umbrellas
+xc chicago
+xc postage stamps
+xc minnesota lady slipper
+xc yellow sloppy painting fabric
+xc various purple
+xc purple marbled
+xc purple ombre

 Other containers ---- *** __  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

AB6__     d?  Large blue tub
+ya MQ18_ bag
+y7 Blue backing fabric from aob quilt
+y7 2 yd blue with gold flowers
+y7 2 yd wool blend blue herringbone
+y7 decorator fabric crewel
+y7 2 yd wide yellow corduroy
+y7 black silky synthetic
+y7 Peruvian wall hanging
+y7 Hmong wall hanging
+y7 5yd brown batik
+y7 lace table runner
+y7 red and black Bolivian belt
+y7 Rice sack
+y7 Yellow curtain and liner
+y7 SG4   Where's Nemo quilt  SG4   38x38    aka Many more fish in the sea Orig fabric left over from RPB octopus quilt
+y7 2021 challenge directions and fabric
+y7 various small wall quilts (some by others)
+y7 2021   Pink/Grn 4 patch     Done  30x30  AB6   mostly 4 patch  Pix
+ya bright bandana fabric
+ya SG4   3d boxes wall hanging topo
+ya blue Hawaiian shirt fabric

AB7__     ds_ Yarn and knitting   Large blue tub

ACTV__    ds_ Active project may be on cutting table, design bd etc   NOt really a storage place
+wa SG5   bright & black 4-patch project with orange pink sashing plasic zip case    Pix

AMZ__     d?  Amazon Cardboard box  in quilting room
+w3 SG1   striped fabric pattern "All Squared Up"

ASTRA__   d?  Astra-Zenica black bag 1//21 on floor on F&B bedrm
+w1 synthetic cloth from Harrison garage/yard sale (has list in pocket)
+w3 blue pack cloth - for insualted mittens?

BBAG__    ds_ T-shirts  Blue Health Partners bag
    Mark Ritchie
    South CC (Xcountry)
    La Semana green
    Auydante " blk
    Andrew   " "
    Unity Summer
    Proj Success
    Inca Kola
    SILC Spanish Immersion

BBOX__    d?  Blanket box in 1221 livingroom
+y1 blue road to Calif quilt
+y1 2018    Green baskets        Done  full   1221  2018 MNQ show aka Baskets & stepping Stones $$  Pix
+y1 2015  b Haruki-san           Done  full   BBox  2015 MNQ show interlocking hexagons
+y1 2010?   Green leaves         Done  wall   BBox  from Ruth McDowell book
+y1 1987  x Forty Winks          Done  twin   BBox  for Fred's 40th birthday
+y1 1984    Quinnie Diamonds     Done  full   BBox  based on Sue Stein workshop for QHO 50th
+y1 2023    Zoo animal baby      DONE  baby          ?? minky backing & blanket binding
+y1         Rose of Lima               wall          quilt by Jeannie Spears
+y1         Ragged green               full          quilt from Callie at GHP
            ??  bearpaw quilt (now in blanket box)

BKUP__     d?  Bookcase upstairs hall
+x7  Cotton scrap/stuffing in white cotton pillow case
+w7 SG1   alphabet baby quilt project

reorganized 6/15/16 to have F?? to F?? tho they only fit on left; some other things still here)
Needs to be reorganized again vb1_
+ub  Linen Dish towels
     Quinnie's lone star quilt
     bag with wool from coat project
     scrapbooking tool bag
     brown pillow case with
     pink baby quilt - given to Dr Sullivan's baby
     two small quilt auction quilts
     green upholstery striped fabric
     state quilts from prairie Star District which include MO, NE, WI, IA, MN, ND, SD

BKWH__    ds_ Books  white bookcase in quilting room
+y7 MSEW
+wa green bag of non cotton fabric - black silky, red, and metallic
+ub AOB t-shirts for quilt- in box

+v5 magazine holder with quilt patterns

BOLIV__   d?  Giant Suitcase from Bolivia
     Hand woven cloth from South America
     double ikat cotton yardage
     blue herringbone wool - and lining
     yellow tied quilt
     black ikat shawl
     yellow trip around the world quilt
     kaleidoback quilt 2016 non judged   *u /ecb/pp/kaleidoback.jpg
     kaleidoscope quilt 2016 non judged  *u /ecb/pp/Kaleidoscope.jpg

  BS (Bag Storage) ----- *** __  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

About Bag Storage ( mostly on second floor )
The BS (Bag Storage) system initiated 6/6/2010.  "Bags" are used to store
project materials, projects, mostly cloth to start.  Most bags are
fabric or plastic but could be paper - they generally are bags with handles
since the BS# is attached to the handle.  Initially on a bright pink
paper label stapled around the handle. Extra labels (total of 22) are in
envelope on buletin board in hall.

BS01__    ds_ Scrap booking, albums

BS02__    ds_ Pan pipes and zapatista doll

BS04__    ds_ Political T-shirt quilt

BS05__    ds_ Velour, scraps, various colors

BS06__    ds_ Scrap booking, albums, chiapas

BS07__    ds_ White crinkle cloth, synthetic ribbing, white lace(~18x80"),
    dark interfacing (iron on), several colors of tulle

BS08__    ds_ Black and orange quilt
?y7 SG?   Black and orange quilt in progress (2009?)

BSC__     d?  Black suitcase
-va brown and white 4" half square triangle blocks
-va orange and brown autumn leaf scraps
+sb orange brown madras stripe skirt
    grey - see gray
-va grayish green decorator cloth stripe
+sb corduroy scraps from clothing, various colors
+va used clothing for quilts incl button columns from Nat's shirts (both sides)

CPGB__    d?  Clear Plastic Garment BagS
+v5 brown oak leaves
    (multiple bags usually with completed (or mostly) quilts)

CRM__     ds_ Cream and Beige  box 12x2.5x16"  "Cream and Beige" (on dresser wcs_ )
+y4 cream colored fabric
+y4 small beige diamonds on tan 2 yds _bk
+y4 pieced backing 60x80 _bk
+y4 golf theme beige 2 yds _bk
+y4 41" x 104" "cross the lines pattern" _bk
+y4 beige paint brush pattern 60x80 _bk
+y4 cream "water color swirl" 104x50 + 32x60

CRPT__    ds_ Misc  rectangular carpet sewing machine box
+xa  Halloween hanging    Done  wall   CRPT
+w4 red and white stripe flag quilt- complete and own bag
-t1 2019 challenge packet vest
+w4 T-shirt quilt (DONE) PAF (peru) kasota prairie, green lattice
+w4 fleece, white, red, aqua print

 Drawers and shelves etc *** __  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DR1__     ds_ Misc  (top dresser drawer)
+y4 SG2   QFO lily pads 5 & dime
+y7 Pocket repair material
+x8 Tulip block kit
+wa silhoutte class sample
+w7 Buttons glass jar AND blue metal box for ones on cards
+w7 cotton cording
+w7 Silhouette project
+wa yellow flowers in Jungle & Halloween print scraps
+w7 Red stripe bag with red and white 5" patch  charm pack Ruby challenge scraps,
+y9 SG2   red and plaid 9 patch project
+w7 spoonflower - hacienda, and lattice print
+w7 raw silk panel from rose allen
+w7 piece of gold linen
+w7 scrap with guatemala stripe green
+w7 SG1   pink liberty fabric for tunic
+w7 SG2   purple and white tetris project  Pix
+w7 SG1   flying geese cut pieces for 2x4 inch size
+w7 SG1   African cloth and batik trangles project
+w7 beige linen
+w7 white curtain lining
+w7 roll of clear vinyl sheets for see thru bags
+w7 tracing paper of human rights pattern

DR2__     ds_ Scraps in precut dimensions  drawer (2nd down)
+y2 Rainbow strips 2x4.5" left over from color rain quilt
+wa strings sorted by color in plastic bag (fabric narrower than one inch)
+v3 light scraps  (plastic bag)
+v3 multiple size scrap squares and strips
+v3 Bonnie Hunter twosies
+v3 snippets - small peices - 2 bags
+w3 Strips: ------------
+w3  1.5" 2 bags
+w3  2" light 2 bags
+w3  2" dark 3 bags
+w3  2.5" light 1 bag
+w3  2.5" medium 1 bag
+w3  2.5" dark 1 bag
+w3  3 & 3.5" 1 bag
+v3 Squares: -----------
+v3  2.5" 1 bags + flower power scraps
+w3  3" 2 bags
+w3  2 7/8" 1 bags 2x4 flying geese
+w3  3.5" 4 bags
+w3  4" 1 bag
+w3  4.5" light 1 bag
+w3  4.5" med & dark 1 bag
+w3  5"+ 1 bag
+w3  5" light 1 bag
+w3  5" medium & muddy 1 bag
+v4 bricks - 2"x3.5"  2.5"x4.5"
+W3 SG1   boxed leaf seminole project
+w3 tulip colors scraps

DR3__     ds_ Misc  drawer (3rd drawer down)
+y7 left over duck scraps blue and green
+y4 SG4   color block 9 patch + color backing 45"x45"
+xb SG1.5  Duck leftovers project blue and green
+wb 4 leftover fabrics from Duluth/Lake Superior challenge, gray, dk green, lt green, lime/yellow, aqua
+w8 SG3   14 inch fan block  project  (6) blocks with fans appliqued Dresden
+w3 bright scraps
+w3 Nat's quilt scraps
+w3 dark scraps  (plastic bag )
+t8 Blue and white Toile print 2 yards 104" wide
+t8 purple and pink for Carol Watson quilt,turquoise splash pattern, elephant
-sb ocean print quilt top - complete 2019
+t8 fabrics from chiapas
+t8 mayan shawl blue and purple
+W3 SG2.9 Human Rights quilt blocks FUS Human rights to mnq 7/23/24  Pix
    better Human Rights   Pix
+ua Seersucker
+x7 SG4   60x84 Rafts on Gees Bend (TOPO 2018)

DR4__     ds_ Misc  bottom drawer
+v7 SG2   vintage log cabin blocks with strips for more
+u4 pink linen huipil project
+t8 Strips and strata
+t8 MN Eco zone quilt - 2016 challenge quilt (wrapped in brown fish cloth)
+t8 Ruby's Rose challenge quilt
+t8 Hawaiian Whine quilt
+t8 SG2   pink and green star quilt (muted binney colors) Angle Antics
+t8 Xmas advent hanging
+sb wood handles for purses
+ya FLA banner

GLB__ ds_ Cloth bag with green stenciled leaves
+ya  rainbow color rain from 4-patch quilt

GSC__     d?  Gray Suitcase (samsonite)
empty vat_

HEW__     d?  cardbd box "HEWLETT-PACKARD"
+w3 SG2.5 ohio  star blocks and plan  see also OHIO_

JOY__     d?  "Love Peace Joy" "Treasure Hunting" box (shoe box size with metal handles on bureau)
+w1 4.5" square ruler
+w1 6" omnigrid ruler yellow
+w1 biRangle ruler 4 x 6.5"
+w1 Corner Cutter 2 x 3
+w1 Easy Extended triangle 3.5 x 7
+w1 hand seam presser
+w1 Hexagon Plus 5.25" across
+w1 Marti Michelle set L - 12" block
+w1 Metal diamonds 2" 2.5" 3"
+w1 old rotary cutter
+w1 small plastic templates
+w1 square green 6.5"
+w1 Stack-n-whack 18 degree ruler

KING__    ds_ Finished quilts  clear plastic sided garment bag with handles and gray "sides" 32x15x6 "King" upstairs
+x8 Oregon Trail #2 quilt
+x8 Sailor's Delight quilt
+x8 Hawaiian Whine  quilt
+x8 Ore Boat / Bridge quilt
+ya Color my Heart quilt

LACE1__   d?  white cardboard box 2.5x9x11  on rolling shelving unit by windows
+va wide lace

LACE2__   d?  white cardboard box 2.5x9x11  on rolling shelving unit by windows
+va narrow lace

MAC__     d?  MacBook Pro box (on F shelf wcs)
+sb heart strings strips and block

MSEW__    Notions  brown cardboard box 15x15x "Misc Sewing" on BKWH
+y7 Notions, blue tin, embroidery hoop

MQ10__    d?  canvas show bag "Quilting in the Quarry"
 x8 empty

MQ16__    d?  green show bag from Saint Cloud 2016 with little houses
+y7 SG1   brown & orange fabric for petroglyph project some from ejb
+y7 SG2.5 Color block puffy, buttons

MQ18__    ds_ Backpack project  red show bag from Saint Cloud 2018 (in AB6)
+wc SG0   backpack project mens toiletry bag (dobie bag)

MQ19__    ds_ Blue fabric  blue show bag "rochester" - one clear side (in AB6) on black metal shelves
+wc old fashioned blue fabric
+wc blue patriotic fabric
+wc patriotic scraps
+wc complex metalic blue flowered fabric - quite stiff
+wc 2 patriotic panel: "america the beautiful"
+wc 2 patriotic panel: "american independence"

MUDD__    ds_ NOT CLOTH - winter stuff  Blue "Mudd" backpack -
    long underwear
    stocking caps
    2 sweat shirts

NCX__     d?  (need description of bag)
     Purple moire
     Kona cloth brick red
     brn and purp sm flowers misc Dec 2013 Harrison yard sale

OAK3__    d?  Oak desk drawer 3
+w1 square papers suitable for origami or small boxes

OAK4__    d?  Oak desk drawer 4 bottom
+y7 Fashion ruler

ODD__     ds_ Placemat project  "Odds and ends" white 10x14x3" cardboard box
+wa SG1   placemat project

OHIO__    ds_ Ohio Star extras  cardbd box
+w3 Ohio Star extra fabric see also HEW_

PCNC__    d?  Picnic basket box
-w3 black twill for block club vests ~60" x 39"
+w3 Marimeko animal wall hanging
+w3 Rust clam shell pattern
+w3 Green and gold deco fabric stripe
+w3 Grey marimeko old dress
+w3 Black and red and gray skirt
+w3 yellow corduroy scrap
+w3 green amd yellow stripe
+w3 red & purple plaid deco moire
+w3 pink stretch synthetic
+w3 scrap of yellow flowers on navy chintz
+w3 scraps from Nat's underwear & non cotton scraps
+w3 farmer labor t-shirt stablized
+w3 grey splotchy with white deco cloth

PINK__    d?  Zippered case - blocks
+y2 SG4   project 46x46 topo:  colored 15" blocks: 5 purple 1 brown 1 blue 8 green 2 pink 3 red
+t4 9 random stripe blocks 12"

PLNZ1__   d?  Heavy PLastic bag withOUT zipper (kept on top of BKWH)
-wb given to Christina Robert: quilted coil project - long quilt trimmings for spiral construct clothing

PLZ1__    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper upstairs x9r_
+w7 2021    My Jean Jacket       Done  65x88  PLZ1

PLZ2__    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper
+w7 2020 MNq chal. flower power Done  wall   SSB
+w7 gray wool yardage
+w7 aqua patched flannel 1 yd

PLZ3__    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper  upstairs x9r_
+w7 2020    Blue strippy Done  70x87  CPGB  Quilted Oct 2020 at Millie P's    Pix

PLZ4__    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper
+y4   red rust and tan double 4 patch 24 blocks 57 x 67 and backing

PLZ5__    d?  heavy PLastic w/ blue fabric sides bag with zipper upstairs x9r_
+y4       quilt trimings, batting + fabric from long arm

PLZ6__    Tie dye project +y  heavy PLastic bag with zipper (smaller)

PLZ7__    d?  heavy PLastic bag with zipper
+wa extra petal blocks

PLZ8__    d?  heavy PLastic bag with zipper  upstairs x9r_
+w7 2022    Rickrack 9           Done  85x90  1221

PLZ9__    d?  heavy PLastic bag with zipper  upstairs x9r_ (above wh bk case)
+xa SG4   Star Dancer was: Flying geese 2x4 blocks and evening star blocks project (started by wanda) 64x76 and backing

PZC__     d?  Pink Zipper case
+w3 SG3   20 blocks for color quilt   Pix
+w3 SG3   11 blocks "random stripe"

SBOX__    d?  4 plastic front opening boxes on cutting table "Shoe Boxes" (4 boxes treated as one container)
+wa strips from baby star may be on cutting table
+wa scraps from star quilt - Pat St Germaine, pinks
+x7 coasters, need binding
+x7 SG2.5 gray and gold wonky squares
+x7 2 round pot holders
+x7 spoonflower ships at sea fabric
+x7 spoonflower ecb mayan wall
+x7 spoonflower tccn logo
+x7 hand weaving comb
+x7 fred banner
+x7 squares for snowball blocks
+x7 strip pieced yardage
+x7 yellow fabric marked for quilting
+x7 star dancer pieces for flying geese (2 bags)
+x7 SG2.5 leftovers from "rickrack 9"
+x7 bonnie hunter three-sies
+x7 small pieces for cards
+x7 triangles - many sizes
+x7 SG3   tiny half square triangle blocks - remainder project
+x7 half square triangle blocks - various sizes
+x7 30 and 60 degree triangles
+x7 SG4   precut hearts 49x61 "color my heart" leftovers from "color rain"
+x7 fall leaves panel

SBX1__    ds_ Binding, ribbon  New Balance shoebox
on rolling shelving unit by windows

SSB1__    ds_ Cones of thread / markers / dyes  Top purple stackable storage bin - on black metal shelves
+y7 Pressing sheet for nonstick ironing
+y7 invisible grip invisigrip for rulers etc

SSB2__    ds_ Patterns (not quilt) and hand work  stackable storage bin
+y7 Strawberry lunchbox with sewing to go supplies
+y7 Baby blocks hand work
+y7 Winding ways hand work
+y7 Ironing ham
+y7 fasteners (in sm brown box)

SSB3__    ds_ Active quilt projects  stackable storage bin

SSB4__    ds_ Salvages  stackable storage bin
+y7 Becca's bright flag material for bike
+y7 some elastic , bias tape (for Covid masks) in heavy plastic bag

TH1__     ds_ Thread  6X9 stacked plastic container with handles purple top kept on rolling shelving unit by windows
+y7 cotton thread and cotton cotton covered polyester

TH2__     ds_ Thread  Blue round tin in MSEW
hand quilting thread (heavier)

TH3__     ds_ Thread, sharps, ...  plastic 6 drawer on Fred's bureau
2 drawers thread
1 drawer sharps

TOPF__    d?  Top Shelf above F series boxes
+vb felt in a red bag
+vb batting placemat size
+vb fusible batting 26x44 suitable for baby quilt
+vb SG2.9 Compass quilt farmers star project/mariners compass. needs embroidery  Pix PIX of one block only, need new pix
+vb cloth boomerang bag - t-shirts
+w7 PLZ4

TURQ__    d?  Turquoise plastic basket ~8"x"15  on rolling shelving unit by windows
-y6 big spools of thread (cones)
+w1 fabric paint markers

UABAG__   d?  Red Under Armour bag (above numbered boxes - top shelf)
+sb felt

Note: I think "XBn" refers to an attempt to label ("XB n" where n is
a number), inventory and organize mostly cardboard boxes of stuff
(mostly not quilts) some time ago. The inventory may be only on paper
somewhere... I could not find it in computer Ivan 12/19/15

WHMKT__   d?  White HOuse / Black Market bag (behind table t1_)
+t1 small pieces of batting
+uav Denim scraps

XB02__    ds_ Project box   18Q on rolling shelving unit by windows
-W7 Parrot fabric panel
+W7 flowers in little panels
+W7 red sequin lace
+y6 bright strings and piano key border 80+ inches (plastic bag)
+W7 bright flower prints
+W7 SG3   10 1/2 inch blocks from basket quilt +scraps of same
+W7 SG1   Applique flowers test from FUS banner project
+W7 leaf 2 layers
+y6 SG2.5 scrappy 10.5" blocks
+ya SG3   pieced stripes and elephant panel, needs border, baby size

XB03__    ds_ Project box  18 Qt on rolling shelving unit by windows (was X03 before w3_)
+ua Small valentine wall hanging
+ua cloth panels City and Sails
+ua partial reversed Jean Buckly blocks
+ua SG2.5 Los Doce - 6 hand pieced LeMoyns star blocks
+ua big packet 4" tropical fis
+w1 green leaf pieced block 9" x 13" cotton in plastic pouch
+sb SG2   tropical fish rectangles

XB04__    d?  6.5" x 12" plastic box  on rolling shelving unit by windows
+ub hand dyed fabric from Peggy

XB05__    d?  Oboz cardboard shoe box "Fusible stabilize"
+ub Fusible Web Steam-A-seam
+ub Half Square triangles fusible

XB06__    ds_ Notions - Clear plastic box 8" x 18" x 6"h
+y6 some sppols/cones of thread
+w1 carabiner
+w1 cord stops
+w1 embroidery of house from QHO (Quinnie) (underneath)
+w1 feet for portabl ironing board
+w1 roll of fusible tape for batting
+w1 gromets
+w1 hook and eyes
+w1 mitten clips
+w1 pins
+w1 quilter safety pins
+w1 red Guatamala sewing kit with hand piecing
+w1 snap fasteners
+w1 sulvy stabalizer roll

XB07__    d?  "Creative Options" clear plastic, flat 14" x 14"  x 3"   was BOX14CLR_
+xc SG4   strawberry quilt center:w3_ border:xc_ 60" x 75"

XB08__    d?  "Creative Options" yellow plastic, flat 14" x 14" x 3"    was BOX14YEL_
+x1 SG4   box of chocolate project wb_/SG3  Pix

XB09__    d?  "Creative Options" orange plastic, flat 14" x 14" x 3"    was BOX14ORG_
+w3 SG0   Xmas blocks

XB10__    d?  "Creative Options" pinky-red  plastic, flat 14" x 14" x 3" was BOX14RED_
+xc bright scraps from patchwork jacket
+xc 10" x 10" benartix samples
+xc pink fabric
+xc spools pattern fabric

Y01__     d?  Yellow suitcase 15" x 24" bk_
+y3 4 yds yellow fabric boots and blooms reads as solid
+y2 placemats, indian themes, complete (save for Chistina)
+y2 prequilted fabric. one piece beige
+xa panel of 6 tropical birds
+xa multicolor heart yardage
+xa tan "cross the lines" random gold/brown lines 3  yd
+xa Peace wall hanging
+xa suspected to be synthetic 8" squares various colors (many more on box on shelf nr orange closet)
+xa purple velour 1 yd square
+xa 1 yd print bird butterflies postcards various cloth for Diane Rouse quilt, small scale toile, brown stripes with pale roses
+xa SG1   bird panel with blue flowers for Deb quilt
+xa green with baggage and baggage wagons about 7.5yds on bolt yardage
+xa night gown flannel roses and ribbons
+xa shocking pink yardage
-t4 gold ostrich feathers on black 2 yds cc         811
-t4 blue green chintz abt 1 yd                      814
-w1 white with orange and teal stripes
-w1 white and light aqua/green stipes 1.5 yd
??  (pink and navy blue - almost plaid)
-t4 abstract magenta and blue 100% cotton 3 yds bk_  Pix 
-t4 pink and blue stars , large print kids toys
-t4 yellow and purple  3.5 yds  bk_
-t4 turquoise w/ darker flowers 3 yds bk_
-t4 purple with red iris 1 yd
-t4 maroon w/ pink and blue flowers 2 yds bk_
-t4 2 handle bag from Ghana
-t4 light blue denim .5 yd
-t4 white on beige flowered bk_ almost 3 yd
-t4 assorted pieces white flannel
-t4 Cotton Purple moire
-t4 2 yds white flannel not washed

Y02__     d?  Yellow suitcase 19" x 28"_
+yb bag of Batting wool blend (80/20) 22x72 & 8x64
+yb Batting bamboo blend (medium loft (bigger) 22 x 74 left "Dream"
+yb Hobbs heirloom fusible cotton batting small pieces
+yb pieces of batting of various sizes placemat to baby quilt size
+yb 6 inch wide - one bag
+yb 5 inch wide - one bag
+yb 4 & 3 inch wide - one bag
+yb 80/20 cotton 20" x 72"
+yb synthetic small pieces one bag
+yb belt width strips one grocery bag full

XMAS__    ds_ Xmas themed   on rolling shelving unit by windows (christmas)
+wb Holiday stocking pattern and instuctions
+q3 Xmas tree skirt
+q3 red teddy bears with Xmas lights
+q3 teddy bears on green
+q3 green paisley on red
+q3 coke bottles, red
+q3 hand printed red leaves on white (retreat to the woods)
+q3 Xmas bears on white
+q3 Xmas scenes, blue border
+q3 skating bears on red
+q3 plain green
+q3 green with gold highlights
+ua Marimekko houses
+ua cranberries?
+ua Black background 3 Magi F
+v5 Santa Lucia and folk angels on black background

ZIP__     ds_ Zippers,cording, velco   white cardboard box 2.5x9x11
-y7 elastic moved ... (Note see also Fred's cord and velcro in stairwell)

MISSING__  Lost / misplaced  *** __  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

+w7 kimono scraps - two small bags silk scraps
-v5 Rainbow cotton strips
-v5 Green heavy cotton 4 yd
+qc green big zipper pouch for color quilt

??? brown with pink paisley cc 11 feet              picture of this cloth 
+q3 peach solid cotton 2 yds extra wide
    Tiny blue triangles
-   stuffed animal patterns - white background
    machine pieced waterfall, many colors
from drawer listing 6//18
+qc green woodland flowers 1 yd + scraps
+qc one for the money quilt kit
+qc quarry quilt scraps
+qr? In plastic case: red and white xmas ornament materials,beads,shiny
    scraps from Chris's quilt
    pink flames on black
    multi color fans on black

    Binding +
    pink blanket binding
    white blanket binding

 Formerly in F01
-q3 baby fleece quilt backing - 3 pieces  _uav in cardboard box behind quilt room door
+r3 white on beige print $5.50/yd
-lb green w/ black crackle cc 3.4 yds         812
-lb purple and green flower stripe cc 4 yds   815
+q3 peace emboidery hanging

Formerly F10
+ra Snails trail block
+ra Greek Spiral
+ra Pink and yellow daffodils used in Lasseter quilt
+ra random strips

from F20 -uav
     synthetic green black and red
     template for Chester tile quilt
     madras scrap fabric
     a season in time pattern raw edge applique
     Political T-shirts

List of containers (not contents) 1/18/22 Sortable *** __ May be incomplete after last q-update. ////////////////////////////////////////

Label      Description      
AB6_     d?  Large blue tub
AB7_     Yarn and knitting   Large blue tub
ACTV_    Active project may be on cutting table, design bd etc   NOt really a storage place
AMZ_     d?  Amazon Cardboard box  in quilting room
ASTRA_   d?  Astra-Zenica black bag 1//21 on floor on F&B bedrm
BBAG_    T-shirts  Blue Health Partners bag
BBOX_    d?  Blanket box in 1221 livingroom
BKUP_     d?  Bookcase upstairs hall
BKWH_    Books  white bookcase in quilting room
BOLIV_   d?  Giant Suitcase from Bolivia
BS01_    Scrap booking, albums
BS02_    Pan pipes and zapatista doll
BS04_    Political T-shirt quilt
BS05_    Velour, scraps, various colors
BS06_    Scrap booking, albums, chiapas
BS07_    White crinkle cloth, synthetic ribbing, white lace(~18x80"),
BS08_    Black and orange quilt
BSC_     d?  Black suitcase
CPGB_    d?  Clear Plastic Garment BagS
CRM_     Cream and Beige  box 12x2.5x16"  "Cream and Beige" (on dresser wcs_ )
CRPT_    Misc  rectangular carpet sewing machine box
DR1_     Misc  (top dresser drawer)
DR2_     Scraps in precut dimensions  drawer (2nd down)
DR3_     Misc  drawer (3rd drawer down)
DR4_     Misc  bottom drawer
F01_     Clothing  30Q Large 6" high box kept in bedroom (? 17" x 23")
F02_     Black to gray   sh_
F03_     White and Beige  sh_
F04_     Browns  sh_
F05_     Red and pink  sh_
F06_     Red Violet  sh_
F07_     Purple  sh_
F08_     True Blue  sh_
F09_     Greenish blue  sh_
F10_     Yellow  sh_
F11_     True Green / some brown  sh_
F12_     Orange  sh_
F13_     Blue Scraps (only +s9 )  sh_
F14_     Yellow-green-olive green-khaki  sh_
F15_     Project box and random orphan blocks  sh_
F16_     Project box  sh_
F17_     Bluish green  sh_
F18_     Scraps sorted by color / pot holders  sh_
F19_     Cloth for projects  44Q Large 9" high box (17" x 23")
F20_     Cloth and Quilt Projects  60Q Large 12" high box ,  (17" x 23")
F21_     Embroidery floss / misc  sh_
F22_     d?  (rect. see-thru zipper bag 13"x14"x6"
F23_     Triangles / Project box,  sh_
F24_     d?  Bag (rect. see thru zipper bag 12"x12"x7" ) (not located 6/15/16)
F25_     Weaving stuff  sh_
F26_     Novelty prints  sh_
F27_     Non quilting fabric / flannel / misc   (banker box) (under cutting table x18 )
F28_     Theme fabric  shoe box size plastic q6e_ moved to q room wb4_
F29_     Embroidery quit / misc  cardboard box
F30_     Misc scraps, denim  sh_
F31_     see PLZ1
F32_     Alphabet quilt  Sterilite ultra latch 28"x12" on black metal shelves
F33_     Unwashed to avoid raveling etc Sterilite ultra latch 28"x12" on black metal shelves
GLB_ Cloth bag with green stenciled leaves
GSC_     d?  Gray Suitcase (samsonite)
HEW_     d?  cardbd box "HEWLETT-PACKARD"
JOY_     d?  "Love Peace Joy" "Treasure Hunting" box (shoe box size with metal handles on bureau)
KING_    Finished quilts  clear plastic sided garment bag with handles and gray "sides" 32x15x6 "King" upstairs
LACE1_   d?  white cardboard box 2.5x9x11  on rolling shelving unit by windows
LACE2_   d?  white cardboard box 2.5x9x11  on rolling shelving unit by windows
MAC_     d?  MacBook Pro box (on F shelf wcs)
MQ10_    d?  canvas show bag "Quilting in the Quarry"
MQ16_    d?  green show bag from Saint Cloud 2016 with little houses
MQ18_    Backpack project  red show bag from Saint Cloud 2018 (in AB6)
MQ19_    Blue fabric  blue show bag "rochester" - one clear side (in AB6) on black metal shelves
MSEW_    Notions  brown cardboard box 15x15x "Misc Sewing" on BKWH
MUDD_    NOT CLOTH - winter stuff  Blue "Mudd" backpack -
NCX_     d?  (need description of bag)
OAK3_    d?  Oak desk drawer 3
OAK4_    d?  Oak desk drawer 4 bottom
ODD_     Placemat project  "Odds and ends" white 10x14x3" cardboard box
OHIO_    Ohio Star extras  cardbd box
PCNC_    d?  Picnic basket box
PINK_    d?  Zippered case - blocks
PLNZ1_   d?  Heavy PLastic bag withOUT zipper (kept on top of BKWH)
PLZ1_    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper upstairs x9r_
PLZ2_    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper
PLZ3_    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper  upstairs x9r_
PLZ4_    d?  Heavy PLastic bag with zipper
PLZ5_    d?  heavy PLastic w/ blue fabric sides bag with zipper upstairs x9r_
PLZ6_    Tie dye project +y  heavy PLastic bag with zipper (smaller)
PLZ7_    d?  heavy PLastic bag with zipper
PLZ8_    d?  heavy PLastic bag with zipper  upstairs x9r_
PLZ9_    d?  heavy PLastic bag with zipper  upstairs x9r_ (above wh bk case)
PZC_     d?  Pink Zipper case
SBOX_    d?  4 plastic front opening boxes on cutting table "Shoe Boxes" (4 boxes treated as one container)
SBX1_    Binding, ribbon  New Balance shoebox
SSB1_    Cones of thread / markers / dyes  Top purple stackable storage bin - on black metal shelves
SSB2_    Patterns (not quilt) and hand work  stackable storage bin
SSB3_    Active quilt projects  stackable storage bin
SSB4_    Salvages  stackable storage bin
TH1_     Thread  6X9 stacked plastic container with handles purple top kept on rolling shelving unit by windows
TH2_     Thread  Blue round tin in MSEW
TH3_     Thread, sharps, ...  plastic 6 drawer on Fred's bureau
TOPF_    d?  Top Shelf above F series boxes
TURQ_    d?  Turquoise plastic basket ~8"x"15  on rolling shelving unit by windows
UABAG_   d?  Red Under Armour bag (above numbered boxes - top shelf)
WHMKT_   d?  White HOuse / Black Market bag (behind table t1_)
XB02_    Project box   18Q on rolling shelving unit by windows
XB03_    Project box  18 Qt on rolling shelving unit by windows (was X03 before w3_)
XB04_    d?  6.5" x 12" plastic box  on rolling shelving unit by windows
XB05_    d?  Oboz cardboard shoe box "Fusible stabilize"
XB06_    Notions - Clear plastic box 8" x 18" x 6"h
XB07_    d?  "Creative Options" clear plastic, flat 14" x 14"  x 3"   was BOX14CLR_
XB08_    d?  "Creative Options" yellow plastic, flat 14" x 14" x 3"    was BOX14YEL_
XB09_    d?  "Creative Options" orange plastic, flat 14" x 14" x 3"    was BOX14ORG_
XB10_    d?  "Creative Options" pinky-red  plastic, flat 14" x 14" x 3" was BOX14RED_
XMAS_    Xmas themed   on rolling shelving unit by windows
Y01_     d?  Yellow suitcase 15" x 24" bk_
Y02_     d?  Yellow suitcase 19" x 28"_
ZIP_     Zippers,cording, velco   white cardboard box 2.5x9x11

Knitting needles *** __  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
In black pack "Orlando AAFP 2001 Sci Am". Also has knitting patterns.
Note: wood and bamboo may be undisguishable
 Straight needles                 ck vbq_ x= found
     size   lenth

plastic 7     14                   x
plastic 7.5   14   marked "6"
plastic 8     14                   x
       10     12.5                 x
metal  10     10                   ?
wood   11     15"                  x
wood   13     11"                  x

double pointed
#      size  length

6 wood   2   4.5"                  x
4 wood   2   short   red           x
5 metal  3          blue           x
5 wood   3   short                 x
4 metal  4          pink           x
5 bamboo 5   8"                    x
3 metal  6                         x
5 bamboo 6   5"                    x
5 bamboo 7   8"                    x
5 bamboo 7   5"   "wood"           x
5 wood   8                         x
5 wood  10.5 7"                    x
5 wood  11   10"                   x

circular   (in bags A-G)
        size   length   bag
bamboo   1      40       A  "magic"         x
metal    1      24       B  two of them     x
metal    3      37       D                  x
metal    3      15       C                  x
plastic  4      31       B                  x
metal    5      30       E                  x
metal    7      16         loaned to EJB? vbq_
metal    7      31       F
metal    8      15.5     C                  x
wood     9      16.5     C                  x
metal   10      28       -                  x
wood    10.5    24       -                  X
wood    11      17       C                  x
plastic 13      30       G                  x
plastic 14      31                          ?
Interchangable circular "Lykke" needles in blue pouch

Plastic quilting templates *** __ ////////////////////////////////
See also JOY_ box

FRED__    Larger templates  Fred's top dresser drawer
Easy 6 for diamonds
hexagon 8 across
clear view
Equilateral triangle 8" high
Dritz see thru ruler 15 x 4

HANG__    Templates  Hanging by quilting room light switch (most used)
ruler 24"
Speedy rotary mate 12 x 3.5
Rotary rule 15 x 3.5 (after break)
Easy angle 6.5 triangle
tri square right angle 10"
Bias square 6"
squaring up square 15"
Flying geese x 4 no math ruler,  directions in FRED_ drawer

List of projects raw *** See also Quilts in Various stages

Location, Quilt PROJECTS and stage   updated March 6, 2022
Old project list - items to check:

?F18  heart strings leftovers for pot holders      SG0
?DR2  placemat project                            SG1
??    pink linen huipil project tunic?